William Tell '24

The 455th vAEW is pleased to host a 2024 virtual William Tell Weapons Meet and aerial competition. In the spirit of real-world William Tell we will be focusing on team counter air proficiency to include the integration of Fighter Aircrew with Air Intercept Controllers and Weapons Directors. If you are interested in participating in this competition, we kindly ask you establish a team with six US aircraft/modules and two AIC/WD/C2 controllers. Minimum force for participation will be four aircraft and one controller.

As we progress in 2024, we will add additional details on signup information, profiles, and scoring.

At this time, we intend for the following profiles.
  1. DCA (A single set of alert DCA against a realistic threat presentation)
  2. 2v2 ACM (2x sets of 2v2 WVR ACM with AAM and guns)
  3. 1v1 BFM (4x mixed aspect merges examining TTK and valid weapons employment)
Currently we are looking for 5-10 teams from around the DCS community to join us in the virtual competition. We are targeting a starting date for this competition sometime in Q3 of 2024.

For all who participate or help facilitate this event you will be awarded the 455th vAEW William Tell Participation Ribbon.

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If you are part of the winning team you will be awarded the 455th vAEW William Tell Achievement Ribbon.

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