WARNORD: Operation Artic Guardian

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ATTN: 455vAEW and Supporting Units
Subject: Upcoming 2024 Deployment to Kola Theatre of Operations

1.0 Situation

1.A The 455th vAEW will be deploying to the Kola theater of operations in support of Operation Artic Guardian (OAG) a Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF) of numerous NATO states and coalition partners as part of a peace keeping operation in response to recent Russian military buildup near the Finnish border.

1.B Ref internal dissemination.

1.C Ref internal dissemination.

1.D Ref internal dissemination.

2.0 Mission
2.A 455th vAEW subordinate units and all attached units will conduct in theatre training with NATO partner forces to better assure mission readiness. Additionally, the 455th vAEW will be expected to supplement ongoing DCA operations in the region.

3.0 Execution
3.A Make all preparations necessary to transport assets and equipment to EFRO. Initial movements will begin on 10 AUG 2024 at 1800Z. Ref internal dissemination for additional details.

4.0 Force Sustainment.

4.A Ref internal dissemination.

5.0 Command
5.A The primary authority for OAG activities lies with @Doverdown or as delegated or designated. Event point of contact(s) (POCs) will ensure proper coordination prior to dissemination.

5.B Communications and information relating to this deployment may utilize the following methods:

The 455th vAEW is eager looking forward to this upcoming deployment, if you or your community would like to join us for a Joint Op, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
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