Roman's Introduction

Hello 455 vAEW!

I am eager to kick things off here with the 455th Virtual Air Expeditionary Wing! A little bit about me. I have been an avid simmer for many years now. I first got started with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 using a Logitech 3D Pro! I remember flying the A-10A and F-15C on Lock-On Modern Air Combat back when you needed a CD to get started. (Wow times have changed!) When the DCS World A-10C was released, I can remember some fun times on LAN parties with friends flying formation and doing missions.

Prior to the DCS F/A-18C release, I joined a virtual VMFA-251 crew and started to pursue more serious simulated fighter aircraft employment with a solid group of guys. While I greatly enjoyed my time there nothing lasts forever, and in 2018 I was pleased to come across the 476th vFG. (

Fortunately, I encountered them at a good time and officially joined the v74th TS in Jan 2019 flying the DCS A-10C. I have some very fond memories flying the A-10C with some great guys. I really owe allot to Hiccup, Emmy, Reb, and Stryker for welcoming me and making my first experiences with the 476 vFG something special. I was able to complete A-10C IQT in Feb 2019 and A-10C MQT in April 2019. I can't stress it enough, being a wingman with some squared away folks is a great experience!

When the DCS F-16C released in 2019 that was a very exciting time. The Vipers' avionics, HOTAS controls, performance, capabilities, and mission set made it an extremely rewarding platform to fly. I must admit when the 476 vFG started the 421st vFS, flying and learning the F-16C was an instant obsession for me. In that time, I have seriously enjoyed the process of learning to employ the aircraft as a team, and further developing TTPs in both the air to air and air to surface domains.

With the 476 vFG I was very pleased to fly with a whole number of great people. They really opened my eyes to what serious pursuit of this combat flight sim hobby can offer. Looking back over my 1050 logged hours with the group, it's been a heck of a lot of fun!

I should also mention I have a much neglected and humble YouTube channel which was started with a few friends when we were first getting started with DCS World. You can check us out on YouTube here:

So, as we rapidly approach Jan of 2024, I am looking forward to a new beginning! Special thanks to Jester, Talon, and Shamrock for helping to build this new community and all the infrastructure that goes with it!

We have big plans and hopefully, by the time you may be reading this, we were able to make the dream come true.

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