Frequently Asked Questions

When do you fly?

Our members time zones range from the west coast of the US at UTC-8 to Central Europe at UTC+2. Typically, we have two flight events throughout the week 0100Z for US time zones and 1900Z for EU time zones. The specific day is determined by a member availability tracker and is subject to change. We frequently conduct flying events during weekends to more easily facilitate mixed flying between US and EU members. Additionally, members are encouraged arrange pickup flights throughout the week as desired. Our servers are always running and available to be utilized.

Do you use mods?

Yes. We are pleased to improve the DCS by utilizing numerous community mods. However, modding does come at a cost typically in the form of maintenance and additional hassle. We have streamlined this process by using open mod manager and digital repositories. This makes mod updates and maintenance easy and painless.

How can I Join?

Please join our discord and check out our recruiting page here:

Can I fly with you before I join?

Yes, we offer incentive rides for people to get a taste of the 455 experiences to include briefing, flying, and debriefing. Inquire about incentive rides in our discord.

What is the process like to train and fly with you?

We have some insights in our Path to Wings Page and we encourage you to checkout our website, forums and discord for additional details. You can access the Path to Wings page here:

What do I need to get started?

Generally, we ask for folks to have a functional HOTAS, head tracking, and working microphone/headset. Additionally, we kindly ask people to be willing to purchase at a minimum the NTTR/Nevada map. Normally, deployments and campaigns are hosted on different maps on a rotating basis. Lastly, the most important thing is to be a good dude (or dudette). Be eager to read, learn, and fly. Put in what you expect to get out.

Didn't see you question answered here? Come on over to our discord and let us know! We will try and answer your questions and maybe you can help us improve this page for the next person!